Our mission

To improve the quality of life for older adults by providing opportunities for exercise, congregate dining, travel, education and socializing so that members can maintain self-esteem, functional ability, and well being, enabling them to remain in their homes and communities.

Syme 55+ Creed

We believe in the value of human life, the dignity, the self-worth, the warmth of caring, sharing, giving and supporting of the older adult.

We believe that human beings need peers with whom they can interact and who are available as a source of encouragement and support.

We believe that adults have the right to have a voice in determining matters in which they have a vital interest.

The philosophy of our Centre is based on encouraging each individual to maintain or attain. their maximum potential in terms of self-esteem, functional ability, confidence and well-being.

Code of Conduct

Syme55+ Seniors Centre is housed in a City-run facility, and eveyone while in our centre is expected to comply with the City of Toronto’s Code of Conduct which “promotes a safe, welcoming, positive, inclusive environment where people are valued and respected. Staff, volunteers, participants and facility users are expected to be considerate, to respect people and their rights and to show proper care and regard for City property and the property of others.”
Please come and visit us, and thank you in advance for your cooperation and respect.


The Basics

The Syme55+ Centre is a registered charity serving adults 55 years of age and older specializing in recreational activities, special interest clubs, fitness programming, daily lunches and community services. In addition the Centre offers a series of unique events and travel experiences to members. Housed in the city’s David Appleton Community Centre, Syme55+ has a permit to use the building from Monday through Friday, 8am-4pm.

A monthly calendar and a quarterly newsletter are available at Reception or around the Centre. Various important notices are posted around the Centre and advertised on the electronic bulletin boards (TVs).

The Centre is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors and employs staff to manage day to day activities. Other staff members are from the City of Toronto.

Operating funds are from City and Provincial Grants plus revenue raised from fundraising, user fees, events and donations. Grants are 62% of our income, fundraising and donations are 22% of income and user fees are 16% of income.

An Annual General Meeting is held every April and members have voting privileges.

Follow us

Syme 55+ Centre

33 Pritchard Ave
Toronto, ON    M6N 1T4
FAX 416-766-2882
Non-profit organization
Reg. #124377292 RR0001
Incorporated 12/27/85

Directory of Services for Seniors & Caregivers in Toronto

Annual Report 2023

Current Newsletter – Winter 2025

Previous Newsletter – Fall 2024

Newsletter – Summer 2024

Newsletter – Spring 2024